Tim Cook Visits China Ahead of New Apple Store Opening in Shanghai

Apple CEO Tim Cook is touring Shanghai, China this week, meeting with retail employees, suppliers, developers, the film industry, and others. He has been sharing photos from his trip on Chinese social media platform Weibo.

Tim Cook Shanghai
Cook's visit is timed with the upcoming grand opening of Apple's new Jing'an store in Shanghai on Thursday, March 21 at 7 p.m. local time.

Apple provided more details about the store in a recent press release.

Apple Jingan
"Located next to the landmark Jing'an Temple, Apple Jing'an is a must-see destination in Shanghai," said Apple. "Approaching the store through a grove of maple trees that line the upper plaza, visitors are treated to a stunning view of the temple. As customers descend down the stairs, they pass by terracing, double-curved walls that extend forward in a circle to form amphitheater seating that will host Today at Apple sessions specially created for Apple Jing'an to celebrate the community and its creators."

A custom wallpaper with a flower-like Apple logo is available for download for the iPhone, iPad, and Mac on the store's page.

Apple Jingan Wallpaper
Those who attend the grand opening of Apple Jing'an will receive a custom tote bag, pin, and Apple logo sticker, according to Michael Steeber's weekly newsletter about Apple's retail stores. His newsletter provides a closer look at the store's design.

Top Rated Comments

erikkfi Avatar
6 days ago at 06:57 am
Tim only knows one adjective so I bet he’s having an incredible time in that incredible country with its incredible people!
Score: 18 Votes (Like | Disagree)
cuiver Avatar
6 days ago at 07:08 am
In 2018, Apple moved its iCloud operations and encryption keys to China. In 2020, Apple opened its first cyber security-based data center in Guizhou, which hosted iCloud services to comply with a new ruling requiring companies to store data in China. The data center is owned and operated by the Chinese government, and state employees manage it and have direct access to the data. They also censor apps to please the government.

Much privacy, Mr. Cook.
Score: 14 Votes (Like | Disagree)
itti Avatar
5 days ago at 07:17 am

In 2018, Apple moved its iCloud operations and encryption keys to China. In 2020, Apple opened its first cyber security-based data center in Guizhou, which hosted iCloud services to comply with a new ruling requiring companies to store data in China. The data center is owned and operated by the Chinese government, and state employees manage it and have direct access to the data. They also censor apps to please the government.

Much privacy, Mr. Cook.
I don't get it. So basically Chinese asked to control their own data. What's wrong with that? I can imagine some Chinese politicians love apple but don't want their icloud backup accessible by CIA. I am pretty sure it's just for Chinese icloud accounts
Score: 10 Votes (Like | Disagree)
senttoschool Avatar
5 days ago at 07:20 am

I don't get it. So basically Chinese asked to control their own data. What's wrong with that?
Nothing is wrong with it. Just like how Tiktok had to store all of American data inside America using Oracle cloud to comply with US law.
Score: 10 Votes (Like | Disagree)
tomtad Avatar
5 days ago at 07:50 am
This man needs to be resigning not going on a world tour
Score: 9 Votes (Like | Disagree)
Alex Cai Avatar
5 days ago at 07:29 am

Tim only knows one adjective so I bet he’s having an incredible time in that incredible country with its incredible people!
what an AMAZING day! The new iPad Air still starts at 64gb and is just only $100 more expensive than the previous model.
Score: 6 Votes (Like | Disagree)

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