New iPad Pro Rumored to Have Matte Screen Option Like Studio Display's Nano-Texture Glass

Apple's next-generation iPad Pro models will be offered with a matte display option for the first time, according to the Weibo leaker known as "Instant Digital."

iPad Pro Matte Display Feature 1
The Weibo user explained that the ‌iPad Pro‌'s new matte display option will be offered in addition to the standard, glossy glass finish. It apparently features -4° to +29° of haze and may tout some kind of blue-light blocking technology to help protect the eyes. Matte screen protectors for the iPad have become popular, so it is possible that Apple is trying to offer such an option at the point of purchase for those who want it.

It is not known if the matte display option will be "nano-texture" glass like on the Pro Display XDR and Studio Display, but it seems plausible. Nano-texture glass is effectively a matte finish that scatters light to minimize glare, which is ideal in environments with bright light sources. While matte screen coatings effectively reduce reflections, they also make the image slightly more dull and hazy. Nano-texture glass features an etched surface to help preserve image quality.

Nano-texture glass has only been offered on desktop displays so far. It is harder to clean owing to its textured surface that grips oil and debris more tightly, and Apple cautions that it should only be cleaned with a polishing cloth made with soft, non-abrasive material. It is not clear how a matte display on the ‌iPad‌ would hold up to fingerprints as a result.

The matte display option may also be available on the next-generation iPad Air models, but the leaker could not confirm if this will be the case. They added that new ‌iPad‌ models will be announced next week.

Earlier this week, Instant Digital said that the iPhone 17 will feature an anti-reflective display that is more scratch-resistant than Apple's Ceramic Shield found on recent models. It is not apparent if this technology is related to the new matte display option for the ‌iPad‌, but it is a possibility.

Instant Digital has a mixed track record in terms of revealing accurate information about Apple's plans, but their claims are worth paying attention to. The source was first to report the iPhone 14's Yellow spring refresh in 2023, Spatial Video capture on the iPhone 15 Pro, and the Apple Watch Series 9's minor hardware update, as well as being the only source of the only rumor claiming that the iPhone 15 and ‌iPhone 15‌ Plus would feature frosted back glass. However, they also made claims about several iOS 17 features and the release of a new iPad Air in October 2023 that did not pan out.

Related Roundups: iPad Pro, iPad Air
Related Forum: iPad

Top Rated Comments

neilw Avatar
5 days ago at 06:35 am
Clearly Apple is just trying to juice sales of their cleaning cloth.
Score: 24 Votes (Like | Disagree)
nortonandreev Avatar
5 days ago at 06:29 am
The wait is torturous.
Score: 18 Votes (Like | Disagree)
javisan Avatar
5 days ago at 06:55 am
I don't and will not care at all about any iPad hardware rumors or actual product releases until iPad OS is vastly enhanced. If people find it sufficient, great; for me, it continues to be a heavily crippled OS.
Score: 12 Votes (Like | Disagree)
fuchsdh Avatar
5 days ago at 06:35 am
The whole point of the nano texture glass is it avoids the usual tradeoffs of matte panels in exchange for less durability. I don't see any way Apple would offer that on a product where you are going to regularly smudge it and you probably can't properly apply oleophobic coatings. It doesn't make any sense to take a coating from a display you're supposed to, ideally, never touch,* and put it on a touchscreen product.

*Sadly, I know people who can't help but poke screens. So the nano texture would never be my choice :D
Score: 10 Votes (Like | Disagree)
falkon-engine Avatar
5 days ago at 06:56 am

I don't and will not care at all about any iPad hardware rumors or actual product releases until iPad OS is vastly enhanced. If people find it sufficient, great; for me, it continues to be a heavily crippled OS.
This is a top tier comment. I mean I like my m2 but it is so clunky sometimes to use. Apple needs to bite the bullet and just let users run macOS or macOS lite. Freeform window management, a more functional dock, etc.

Stage manager has failed. The hardware is already powerful enough to run macOS so why do they give us this weird window manager?

Too bad window managers aren't apps that developers could submit to the app store or host on their alternative app stores, so if Apple doesn't want to do it, then let developers do it.
Score: 10 Votes (Like | Disagree)
DMG35 Avatar
5 days ago at 06:33 am
I’d be all in on this. Have a matte protector on my iPad Pro now and love it.
Score: 8 Votes (Like | Disagree)

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