macOS Sonoma 14.4 Causing USB Hub Issues for Some Users

Some Mac users who updated to Apple's latest macOS Sonoma 14.4 software release are experiencing connectivity issues with USB hubs and monitors with USB ports, with several reports of mice, keyboards, and other peripherals no longer being detected.

belkin usb c hub
Users have taken to the MacRumors forums, Reddit, X (Twitter), and the Apple Support Community forums to relay their experiences, a selection of which we've reproduced below.

MacRumors forum member mjodotcom:

14.4 definitely breaks USB hub monitor functionality. Things worked without a hitch until my work MBP upgraded to 14.4 and now no devices are detected. On my personal MBP that is still on 14.3 everything is detected without issue. Clearly a OS related problem.

Reddit user Nobodys10:

I have my MacBook (MacBook Pro 16 M2 Pro) connected to my monitor (Gigabyte M34WQ 34 Inch IPS Ultrawide WQHD (3440 x 1440)) via a thunderbolt 3 cable.

I have my keyboard and mouse connected to the USB ports in my monitor. After updating, my keyboard and mouse are no longer being detected on my MacBook. Before updating, it was working fine.

Apple Support Community user LucaPascarella:

I have the same issue with my MacBook Pro M2 Max 64GB RAM and monitor Dell U3219Q; none of the USB peripherals connected to the Monitor's USB hub work.

On the contrary, all peripherals work fine when I attach a Windows computer to the Dell Monitor. In addition, I check every USB peripheral by attaching them directly to the Mac, and of course, they are working.

I rebooted the Mac and detached the power plug from the Monitor, trying any configurations or sequences of rebooting as possible. Nothing is working since the update to Sonoma 14.4.

X user Rhys Morgan:

Love that macOS 14.4 has completely killed the use of my display KVM. Just not picking up any USB devices plugged into my monitor (or even that my monitor is a USB hub too).

While Apple works on a fix, a handful of users have had some success by changing the setting "Allow accessories to connect" to "Ask for new accessories" under the Security section of System Settings ➝ Privacy & Security.

Have you had a problem connecting peripherals over USB hubs since updating to macOS Sonoma 14.4? Let us know in the comments.

(Thanks, Matt!)

Related Roundup: macOS Sonoma
Related Forum: macOS Sonoma

Top Rated Comments

abatabia Avatar
2 weeks ago

The update had to break something. This time was the turn of USB hubs.
Now it has become widely a routine, I don't see anything new about it anymore.
This. The hardware may be great but the software just isn’t what it used to be. The endless bugs has soured the Apple experience for me. I’ve slowed down my Apple purchases massively because the bugs are just too tiresome.
Score: 18 Votes (Like | Disagree)
t0rqx Avatar
2 weeks ago
Apple USB hub incoming.
Score: 11 Votes (Like | Disagree)
polee Avatar
2 weeks ago
Oh dear I would have thought that by 14.4 most issues would have been ironed out.
Score: 11 Votes (Like | Disagree)
Account25476 Avatar
2 weeks ago
The update had to break something. This time was the turn of USB hubs.
Now it has become widely a routine, I don't see anything new about it anymore.
Score: 10 Votes (Like | Disagree)
abatabia Avatar
2 weeks ago
Can absolutely vouch for this. Thank you for reporting it. So many kernel panics I had to unplug my hubs.
Score: 6 Votes (Like | Disagree)
northernmunky Avatar
2 weeks ago
Where is 'Allow accessories to connect'? If I search for it, I'm just sent to the bottom of the Privacy & Security panel where it is not?

Attachment Image
Score: 4 Votes (Like | Disagree)

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