Apple's Potential Partners for iOS 18 Generative AI Features Include Google, OpenAI, and Baidu

Apple has held discussions with Baidu about using the Chinese company's generative AI model to power some of the iPhone's rumored generative AI features, according to The Wall Street Journal. As previously reported, Apple is also said to have held similar discussions with Google and OpenAI, the company behind the popular ChatGPT chatbot.

iOS 18 Mock Siri Feature Baubles
If these partnerships move forward, it is likely that Baidu would power some of Apple's generative AI features in China, while other companies like Google or OpenAI would serve as partners in the U.S. and other countries. China requires generative AI models to receive local regulatory approval, and Baidu's Ernie chatbot is on the approved list, but Google's Gemini and OpenAI's ChatGPT chatbots are not available in the country.

Apple has repeatedly teased that it has generative AI announcements to share later this year, and this likely refers to iOS 18. The software update is rumored to include new generative AI features for a range of iPhone features and apps, including Siri, Spotlight, Apple Music, Health, Messages, Numbers, Pages, Keynote, Shortcuts, and more.

iPhone 16 models are rumored to feature an upgraded Neural Engine with "significantly" more cores, which could result in some of iOS 18's generative AI features being exclusive to those models. iPhone 15 models have a 16-core Neural Engine.

iOS 18 will be previewed at Apple's developers conference WWDC in June, so we're just a few months away from learning about these generative AI plans.

Related Roundup: iOS 18

Top Rated Comments

c84216 Avatar
3 days ago at 06:57 am
Maybe I don't know better but this is starting to sound like SherlockAI. Not Apple's own AI but something that aggregates results from other AI engines to give you the best selection.

On another note I've complete de-Googleified after some of what I've learned about them. I do not want their AI model hoovering up data from my supposedly "privacy"-tilting phone.
Score: 24 Votes (Like | Disagree)
CarAnalogy Avatar
3 days ago at 07:04 am
Can’t help but think that this all sounds rushed. Another year of announcing features that barely make it in time for the next WWDC while basic features take a back seat.
Score: 23 Votes (Like | Disagree)
Steve121178 Avatar
3 days ago at 06:58 am
You'd surely think all this would have been well & truly resolved by now and software engineers would be busy integrating whatever partner they chose into iOS 18/macOS 15 rather than shoehorning it in at the last minute or via a 18.3 software update or whatever.
Score: 18 Votes (Like | Disagree)
antiprotest Avatar
3 days ago at 07:07 am

I thought Apple is making their own AI? So why partner with others?
They spent all their time and money on the vaporware car and snorkel pro and now it's hard to catch up. I hope these partnerships will be temporary.
Score: 18 Votes (Like | Disagree)
hoorayforhollywood Avatar
3 days ago at 07:09 am
I know this is likely hugely complex, but is this the jist of it: Apple 'teased' numerous times it is has AI stuff to announce this year with iOS 18, and presumably the M4 chip. And is now going around all the people who have existing AI stuff to do deals? Think about that. That's WEAK.
Score: 18 Votes (Like | Disagree)
Steve121178 Avatar
3 days ago at 07:00 am

Maybe I don't know better but this is starting to sound like SherlockAI. Not Apple's own AI but something that aggregates results from other AI engines to give you the best selection.

On another note I've complete de-Googleified after some of what I've learned about them. I do not want their AI model hoovering up data from my supposedly "privacy"-tilting phone.
You don't even need a Google account for them to hoover up your data. Your profile was built via all the advertising you have been served & the analytics associated with that.
Score: 11 Votes (Like | Disagree)

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