Kuo: Apple Vision Pro on Track to Launch in More Countries Before WWDC in June

Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo today reiterated his belief that the Apple Vision Pro will launch in additional countries before Apple's annual developers conference WWDC in June. The headset first launched in the U.S. earlier this month.

Apple Vision Pro with battery Feature Blue Magenta
Apple will likely expand the Vision Pro to more English-speaking countries, such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the U.K., but it has also been localizing visionOS in preparation to launch the headset in countries like France, Germany, Italy, and Spain.

Kuo said demand for the Vision Pro in the U.S. has "slowed down significantly" since the headset launched there on February 2. He estimated that U.S. shipments of the headset will total 200,000 to 250,000 units this year, which he said is better than Apple's original estimate of 150,000 to 200,000 units, but it is still a "niche market."

In recent weeks, there was a lot of discussion about Vision Pro returns on social media. However, based on his inspection of the "repair/refurbishment production line" for the headset, Kuo estimated that the current return rate is "less than 1%."

All in all, Kuo said the Vision Pro launch in the U.S. played out mostly in line with his expectations, beyond a "higher-than-expected number of early adopters."

Related Roundup: Apple Vision Pro
Buyer's Guide: Vision Pro (Buy Now)
Related Forum: Apple Vision Pro

Top Rated Comments

paulovsouza Avatar
4 weeks ago
This is a really cool device, that’s going to help us move into what I want the future to be like, I just don’t understand the negativity. People did down play the first iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and look where we’re at now and how many of those category it helped advance.
Score: 14 Votes (Like | Disagree)
ShadowJade Avatar
4 weeks ago

Awesome its being released in more countries… but this really is an unusual apple product in that for most people its just far too expensive and there are other offerings at a far lower price on the market.
Please list competing products….I own/have used several that I am sure you would list…Vision Pro is not the same, by far. Even my children can’t get enough of using it, yet there sits our Oculus Quest and its clunky controls on the shelf, charging and gathering dust. Until you use one, you simply can’t make the comparison. We have 2 units in our home, and they aren’t going back.
Score: 12 Votes (Like | Disagree)
DelayedGratificationGene Avatar
4 weeks ago

Well Vision Pro hype cooled down here in the states. It doesn’t take a genius that a $4k product will have a harder time to gain traction overseas.

It’s a no brainer once Apple gets the price down to under $1k it will move.

Until then it will be a niche product like the AirPods max.
Nah. Interest in AVP is growing
Score: 8 Votes (Like | Disagree)
deaglecat Avatar
4 weeks ago
I would be interested in the International pricing. Normally UK and EU prices are a bit higher (though often include sales tax).

International launch would confirm that Apple is still on track with this and that the initial reaction has been within expectations.
Score: 6 Votes (Like | Disagree)
DelayedGratificationGene Avatar
4 weeks ago

$850 million in sales isn't too bad for a "niche" product.
Right and that’s just with US only. There’s a big world out there waiting patiently.
Score: 6 Votes (Like | Disagree)
WilliamG Avatar
4 weeks ago

“Kuo estimated that the current return rate is "less than 1%." “

I would bet a lot of money that his estimate is understated by at least a few percentage points.
Agreed. There’s no way that fewer than one person out of every 100 returned the Vision Pro. That number is being pulled from nowhere.
Score: 5 Votes (Like | Disagree)

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